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“No other grace do I ask of you than to love you and to make others love you”: this profound desire of Saint Gertrude has led us to produce books, pamphlets and periodicals.

For several years now, we have been striving to make Saint Geltrude Comensoli known to everyone, to spread the Gospel embodied in the spiritual patrimony of our Congregation and in the life of our Institute in the various parts of the world.


a four-monthly magazine reporting on the life of our Institute.












  •  “GLI SCRITTI” by Saint Geltrude Comensoli, Edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Published by La Nuova Cartografica, Brescia. December 1981. Number of pages 1132.

  • “FROM THE WRITINGS BY SAINT GELTRUDE COMENSOLI”, edited by Sacramentine Fraternity, self-printed. Number of pages 48.

  • “ … GIURO UN MILIONE DI VOLTE (SWEAR A MILLION TIMES)” by Mons. Giovanni Locatelli, drawings by Sister Pier Giovanna Rosana, Ed. Borla, 1966, Number of pages 286; 

  • “GELTRUDE COMENSOLI, The abandonment in Him who can do everything. 1847 - 1903” by Father Goffredo Zanchi. Ed. Glossa, 2005. Number of pages 724.

  •  “AMARTI E FARTI AMARE. L’esperienza spirituale di Geltrude Comensoli (LOVE YOU AND MAKE OTHERS LOVE YOU. The spiritual experience of Geltrude Comensoli)” by Father Ezio Bolis. Ed. Glossa, 2007. Number of pages 272

  • “SANTA GELTRUDE COMENSOLI. Una vita per l’Eucarestia (SAINT GELTRUDE COMENSOLI. A life for the Eucharist)” by Roberto Alborghetti. Ed. Velar 2009. Number of pages 48.

  • “SANTA GELTRUDE COMENSOLI. Una memoria che vive (SAINT GELTRUDE COMENSOLI. A living memory)” by Giovanni Gregorini. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Number of pages 20.

  • “VIVERE IL GIUBILEO DELLA MISERICORDIA guidati da Santa Geltrude Comensoli (LIVING THE JUBILEE OF MERCY guided by Saint Geltrude Comensoli)” by Father Ezio Bolis. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters, 2015. Number of pages 27.

  •  “CATERINA GELTRUDE COMENSOLI. Indagine su un’anima che anela alla santità (CATERINA GELTRUDE COMENSOLI. Investigation into a soul yearning for holiness)” by Father Valter Pinessi. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters, July 2019. Number of pages 204.

  •  “LA SUORA E IL BAMBINO. Storia di una guarigione miracolosa e di un viaggio verso la santità (THE SISTER AND THE CHILD. Story of a miraculous healing and a journey to holiness)”, by Livio Gilberti, Edited by the Parish SS.MM. Ippolito e Cassiano of Agnosine, February 2012. Number of pages 94.

  • “SANTA GELTRUDE COMENSOLI – Profilo biografico e eredità spirituale in alcune opere artistiche (SAINT GELTRUDE COMENSOLI - Biographical profile and spiritual legacy in some artistic works)” Edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters, Bergamo, Mother House, April 2019. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Number of pages 75.

  • “CATERINA COMENSOLI E GESÙ EUCARESTIA (CATERINA COMENSOLI AND JESUS IN THE EUCHARIST)” by Luciano Costa e Franco Frassine. Illustrations by Aldo La Duca. Morcelliana Editrice – Brescia 1990. Number of pages 110.

  •  “UN’ANIMA EUCARISTICA (A EUCHARISTIC SOUL)” by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Printing house Secomandi – Bergamo 1981. Number of pages 176.

  • “UNA SFIDA PER I NOSTRI GIORNI (A CHALLENGE FOR OUR TIMES)” by Mons. Giovanni Locatelli. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Bergamo 1997. Number of pages 290.

  • “CRISTO EUCARISTICO SENSO DI UNA VITA. Note di spiritualità di santa Geltrude Comensoli (THE EUCHARISTIC CHRIST, MEANING OF A LIFE. Notes on the spirituality of St Geltrude Comensoli)” di Mons. Luigi Morstabilini. Ed. Morcelliana – Brescia 1989. Number of pages 240.


●    “FACCIAMO MEMORIA RACCONTANDO – Memorie della Beatificazione (LET'S REMEMBER BY NARRATING - Memories of the Beatification)” edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Graphics Monti, 1993. Number of pages 443
●    “GELTRUDE COMENSOLI SANTA. Memorie della canonizzazione (GELTRUDE COMENSOLI A SAINT. Memoirs of the canonisation)” edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Studio EFFE, Mozzo (BG), April 2016. Number of pages 301.


    “UNA CHIESA PER L’ADORAZIONE (A CHURCH FOR ADORATION). 1886 - 1986” Edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Graphics Signorelli – Calvenzano (BG). December 1986.
●     “UN PO’ DI BENE. L’Istituto delle Suore Sacramentine di Bergamo dalle origini al secondo dopoguerra (1882 – 1950) (A LITTLE GOOD. The Institute of the Sacramentine Sisters of Bergamo from its origins to after World War II)” by Giovanni Gregorini. Editions Vita e Pensiero, 2010. Number of pages 410.
●    “LA SACRAMENTINA ALLA SCUOLA DELL’ULTIMA CENA (THE SACRAMENTINA SISTER AT THE SCHOOL OF THE LAST SUPPER)” by Father Ezio Bolis. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters, 2014. Number of pages 15.
●     “L’EUCARESTIA È MISSIONE (THE EUCHARIST IS MISSION)” edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Graphics Litostampa of Gorle, 1986. Number of pages 415.
●    “EGLI HA MIGLIAIA DI ANGELI CHE GLI FANNO CORONA (HE HAS THOUSANDS OF ANGELS SURROUNDING HIM)” edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Bergamo, Mother House, January 2018. Photos by Giuseppe Vezzoli, Davide e Alessandro De Nicola. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters, 2014. Number of pages 31.
●    “IL CENACOLO DI Trento Longaretti (THE CENACLE BY Trento Longaretti)” edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters, Bergamo. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Number of pages 24.

Video and music


●    “AMORE VUOLE PRESENZA (LOVE REQUIRES PRESENCE)”, Collection of songs with two hymns inspired on the life and writings of Saint Geltrude Comensoli. Text and music by Stefano Varnavà. 1982.
●    “AMARTI E FARTI AMARE (TO LOVE YOU AND MAKE OTHERS LOVE YOU)”, hymn composed for the beatification of Mother Geltrude Comensoli. Lyrics by Francesco Filisetti, music by Egidio Corbetta.
●    “AMORE VUOLE PRESENZA (LOVE REQUIRES PRESENCE)” – Song for children with a booklet illustraded by Clara Esposito. Editor Rotas – Barletta. Edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters.
●     “UNA SANTA PER AMICA (A SAINT AS A FRIEND)” - CD, music by Renato Giorgi, Lyrics by Valerio Antonioli. Edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters, Bergamo. 2003.
●    “INNO DI LODE in onore di Santa Geltrude (HYMN OF PRAISE in honour of Saint Gertrude)” edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters, musics by Maestro Lorenzo Pestuggia. Self-edited by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters. Number of pages 31.
●    “CANTO A SANTA GELTRUDE (HYMN TO SAINT GELTRUDE)”. Hymn composed for the canonisation ceremony in St. Peter's Square. Lyrics by the Sacramentine Sisters. Music by Maestro Lorenzo Pestuggia.
    “IN SPIRITO E VERITÀ (IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH)” Hymn to Saint Geltrude Comensoli on the 170th anniversary of her birth. Lyrics: Father Pietro Antonio Ruggiero. Music and orchestration by Luigi Casabona. 2017
●    “SANTA GELTRUDE COMENSOLI – Una memoria che vive (SAINT GELTRUDE COMENSOLI - A living memory)”. DVD. A documentary by Carlo and Paola De Biase. Musics by Roberto Anselmi. Narrator: Franca Salerno. Duration 90'. Produced by the Institute Sacramentine Sisters of Bergamo.

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