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Our Religious Family consists of about four hundred sisters. We live in communities spread over Italy, Brazil, Ecuador, Malawi, Kenya, and Tanzania. In our communities, we share life, prayer, fraternity, and mission.

We are organised into:

  • Inter-Provincial Communities (Mother House and Colognola);

  • Provinces (Italy, Brazil);

  • Delegations (Africa, Ecuador).

In our days with faithfulness and creativity

In July 2024, we celebrated the XXIII Ordinary General Chapter in Ranica, an important event to reflect on new perspectives, share ideals and propose choices of life. The following theme guided us: “We have placed our hope in the living God. Hoping together... because nothing is impossible to God”.

All the Sisters of our Institute supported and accompanied this event.

General Council

General Council​


The General Chapter elected Mother Iolanda Pistani as Superior General of the Institute.  She will lead the Institute for the sexennium 2023-2029..


The new Council is made up of:

  • Mother  Maria Margarida De Jesus

  • Sister Maria Grazia Osio

  • Sister Mairdes Silva

  • Sister Maria Vecchi



Mother Maria Margarida De Jesus was born in Mantena, Brazil, on 29 April 1953. She joined the Institute of the Sacramentine Sisters on 17 August 1970, made her First Profession on 3 February 1975 and her Perpetual Profession on 2 February 1980.

She graduated in Pedagogy and then specialised in Psychopedagogy. She also attended a course of Biblical Theology.

He worked in kindergarten, high school and in various social work projects.

Starting from 1982, she was superior in several communities in Brazil; for twelve years she was Provincial Councillor of the Province of Brazil and in 2018 she was appointed Superior of the Province of Brazil.

On 26 August 2023, she was elected as the first General Councillor.

“Love one another as I love you”. (Jn 9:12).



Sister Mairdes Maria Silva was born on 20 July 1966 in Sericita, Brazil.

She joined the Institute of the Sacramentine Sisters in Brazil on 6 January 1982; she continued her initial formation in Italy where she made her First Profession on 8 September 1985.

She went back to Brazil, where she obtained her High School Diploma. She dedicated herself, in various communities, to nursery school children and made her Perpetual Profession on 15 August 1990.

In 1998, she returned to Italy where she took up various roles, including community superior and responsible of junior sisters.

On 26 August 2023, she was elected as the first General Councillor.

 “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Mt 25:40)

Sister Maria Grazia_edited.jpg


Sister Maria Grazia Osio was born in Ponte San Pietro (BG) on 23 March 1969. In 1988, after obtaining her high school diploma (Maturità Magistrale), she joined the Institute of the Sacramentine Sisters. She made her first profession on 25 August 1991 and perpetual profession on 30 August 1997.

She worked as a teacher in the primary schools in Primavalle and San Basilio in Rome. Later, she taught in the Primary School in Cantù, where she was also the school coordinator. She specialises as a Professional Counselor. In 2013, she was appointed provincial councillor. In the year 2019-2020, she was the responsible for the International Year of Junior sisters.

On 26 August 2023, she was elected as the first General Councillor.

 but." at your word I will let down the nets.
“At your command I will lower the nets. (Lk 5:5) Your word is a light for my feet, ever shining on my way (Ps 119:105).



Sister Maria Angela Vecchi was born in Azzano San Paolo (BG) on 13th October 1950. She joined the Religious Family of the Sacramentine Sisters on 8th September 1970, made her first profession on 2nd September 1973 and her perpetual profession five years later.

She obtained her Baccalaureate in Theology in 1981 and taught religion in the School Institute in Bergamo until 1992. She then held various positions in the Institute: Community Superior, Provincial Superior and General Councillor.

On 26 August 2023, she was elected as the first General Councillor.

“Each morning fill us with your faithful love, we shall sing and be happy all our days” (Ps 90:14)


We want to give new impulse to our lives and our communities by letting ourselves be challenged by the Final Document of the Chapter “Eucharist: expectation of the fulfilled of the blessed hope” .

We want:

  • To create communities that are ‘home’ for each sister and those who approach us (2023-2024).

  • To envelop our worship and our lives with gratitude (2024-2025).

  • To make choices for a more and more evangelical simplification (2025-2026).

  • To rediscover Christ's obedience to the Father as the pulsating heart of the spiritual patrimony of the Institute (2026-2027).

  • To live humility and patience for a renewed fidelity to the charism (2027-2028)

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