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Our mission

Jesus-Eucharist is the love of our life and we want to tell everyone! By being with Him, we get to know Him better and better, we discover Him at work in our life and in history. The prayer of adoration is the soul of our mission in the world. Even right now, somewhere in the world, there is, at least, a Sacramentine sister, who is praying on behalf of everyone, on behalf of the Church, on behalf of humanity.


Wherever we are, in every service that we perform, we draw motivation from our being always “connected” to the Lord. From Him we draw energy to promote the human and Christian growth of people, to educate them so that they seek the beautiful, the true and the good; we also want to awaken the love for prayer. We wish to foster the ability to reflect and care for one's inner life and to help others recognize the Lord present in the heart of each person.

In our community, we witness to the beauty and importance of being in communion with God and with one another. Jesus-Eucharist, whom we personally adore for an hour every day, is the fire to which each of us is lit to warm, enlighten and inflame the people we meet during the course of our days.


The Institute of which we are living members was born in Italy. From the Mother House, the first of all our communities, we Sacramentine Sisters spread first in Lombardy and then throughout the peninsula.

Today, our pastoral activity is extremely varied and constantly evolving because we are open “to works of charity towards our neighbour according to the dispositions of Divine Providence”, as our Holy Foundress indicated.

School, parish, hospital, prison... we want “to be there” to bring Jesus to everyone and bring everyone to Him.



Since 1946, we have been a significant presence of proclamation and witness to the Gospel, faith, solidarity and help in various cities and in some poorest areas of Brazil. The social and cultural progress of the people, especially the children and the poor, is what motivates our missionary work.


We carry out passionate work in human-Christian promotion, evangelisation, liturgical-sacramental animation, and vocational pastoral work.


We teach in schools where we also welcome children from the favelas; we realise social projects aimed at formation, education and distance support. We dedicate ourselves to the formation of committed lay people and groups of adorers.



We opened our first community in Ecuador in 1987.

Since then, we have been highly involved in parish and educational pastoral work: we coordinate catechesis, prepare children and adults for the sacraments, visit the sick and bring them Holy Communion, and promote itinerant missions in the neighbourhoods of various cities.

Most of our communities serve cathedrals and sanctuaries, which we take care of: we can therefore witness more vividly the beauty and depth of the Eucharistic Mystery; we can participate in and animate celebrations and lead groups of lay people during adoration.



Our missionary experience in Bolivia began in November 2005 with the presence of two Brazilian sisters in Capinota-Cochabamba. Later we opened new communities in other places in Bolivia.

Animated by a Eucharistic spirit, we offer our service in sacramental, youth and family pastoral work; we promote sharing, solidarity and communion.

In 2021, we opened the Chapel for Perpetual Adoration in the community of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, with day and night adoration.

We do our utmost to make every woman aware of her dignity in the family and in the civil society.



Our mission as Sacramentine Sisters in Africa began in 1976 in Malawi.

In our work, we focus on the integral formation of the person, starting with the poorest, whom we meet and also visit in the villages in order to bring them basic necessities goods, comfort and hope. We collaborate with the parishes in which we have our communities and carry out various pastoral activities.

We host children in extreme poverty and give them a minimum of nutrition and literacy. In the boarding houses, we host young girls who move to the city to study.



We, the Sacramentine sisters, arrived in Kenya in 1991.

We are committed to understand and respect the values of the local culture, and pay special attention to young women and their education and professional training, through teaching and coordinating schools on the outskirts of cities and in villages.

In Nairobi, we run the house of spirituality “Emmaus Centre” where we offer the opportunity for spiritual retreats, prayer meetings and listening to the Word.

We also work in one of the poorest and most densely populated slams in Kenya, with a special focus on young girls, who are often victims of violence in a depressing life situation that can annihilate their dignity.



Since September 2011 we have been offering our service in Dar-es-Salaam, we coordinate the school and accompany the young people in a human and Christian way .

In our educational center we welcome orphaned girls between the ages of 13 and 19, coming from all over the country, we offer them a good education and the necessary psycho-social help to promote a good integration into society.

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