Just thank you!
For everything and forever!

In the last months of the year 2024, in all the latitudes where we are present, many anniversaries of consecration were remembered and celebrated. Everywhere we have raised prayers of thanks for the gift of consecrated life, for the gift of Sisters faithful to the vocation received, for the gift of our Sacramental charism which over time has brought and given fruits of holiness and joy.
A shared joy. Even at the party!
In Ecuador Sister Rosangela was remembered for the 50th and the Sisters of the 25th, in the Mother House the Sisters of the 50th celebrated together, in Colognola the Sisters of the 60th and 70th!
The celebration for our older Sisters in Colognola was significant. Decorations, lunch, thanksgiving mass, rosary animated by our Mother, and finally a cheerful entertainment that cheered up and involved everyone in a triumph of visible joy! Everything was prepared with care and love as a sign of thanks to the many elderly Sisters who continue to edify us with their faithfulness and prayer.
Everywhere and in the hearts of each one, celebrate and all of us who celebrated and rejoiced, one word resonates full of wonder: Thank you! For everything and forever!